For several years of updating Minecraft, it is now one of the games people are playing. Since the Minecraft servers are a little complicated, beginners will need guidance on how the game and details work. Some players are spending hours looking for hidden information in the game. There are hundreds of tricks that you will know in this game. But narrowing it down to the best is necessary for you to start playing. These tips and strategies will help you play the game and make your house or get diamond rewards. 

Putting torches on crafting tables 

It is more of a design than placing it for a practical reason. However, you can put your torch on the top of the crafting table or furnace. You have to put a transparent block right behind the crafting table to do this. It is something like a block of glass when you are unfamiliar with it. Now that you look at the crafting table, you have to reach and put the torch on the glass. And once you have done it, you can now have a torch on the top of the table. You can do this depending on your need. 

Be alert on where you are digging.

It is risky when you dig around, and you can expose the lava or mine-shafts. The worst thing you will do is to dig straight down. But you can use a staircase to avoid digging into the dangerous spots. When you think that you expose the lava, you can stop it by using blocks like the cobblestone. 

Look for obsidian 

When you like to get into the Nether right away, the obsidian is the ideal way, and you have to ensure that you collect them. You can build a portal even though you don’t have a pickaxe. 

Make a zombie-proof door. 

Zombies can easily break inside your door and invade your space. But good thing that there are ways for you to avoid the zombies from getting inside your area and destroying it. You have to set up one block higher in your door. In that way, the zombies cannot reach your space. The other choice you have to make is putting up a fence. They cannot easily break the walls, and it gives you the time to fight back without risking yourself. 

You don’t have to burn the coal. 

Coal is the ideal choice you have, but it is not only the fuel source you can have. There are sticks and planks that you can use to burn in your furnace. 

Pet a cat

The cat pet is the best addition to Minecraft and makes it your good pet. But there is more than petting a cat as they also have a purpose in the game. The creepers are afraid of cats. The creepers will avoid you when you have cats around in your house. It is the ideal way to use it, and you won’t have any explosive surprises when you are farming. 

Chase the sun and moon when you get lost

You have to ensure that you see where the sun and moon are. It will be helpful when you lose your way. It doesn’t matter where you are. You have to depend on the sun and moon that will rise in the East and set in the west. You can use these tricks to know the direction while you are traveling.