The first thing you need to do is go to the Pokémon Go homepage and tap on the Download button, when prompted, choose whether you want to download the game for iOS or Android.

If you’re planning on playing with friends, make sure everyone downloads the game with a different account, after installation, you’ll be asked to log in this is where your new account creation will come in handy.

When creating an account for Pokémon Go, it’s important that you use a valid email address that can receive emails from the game you won’t be able to play if you don’t have access to this email address.

If this is your first time logging into your account on your device, then additional permissions will have to be granted before you can sign in successfully.

Make sure to click each one of these links and give them permission before continuing with your Pokémon Go account setup, once all of these steps are completed, you’ll finally be able to explore the world of Pokémon Go.

Pokémon Go Basics

Niantic and The Pokémon Company International have created a game that uses Maps data to place Pokémon in the real world. Players, called trainers, walk around the map and capture them using Pokeballs, if you want to catch them all, then it’s your job to find and capture as many of them as possible.

Pokémon can be found in different locations based on their type, rarity, and combat power, they are also found at real-world landmarks called PokéStops, your trainer is an avatar that appears on a map of the real world where you can explore and find new Pokémon with help from the GPS function on your phone.

Understanding Pokémon and Gyms

Pokémon Go is a game where you capture Pokémon by exploring the real world, to do so, you need to walk around and explore your surroundings in search of these creatures, however, if you’re just starting out it can be hard at first to understand what Pokémon are and how they work.

So, let’s clear up some things before we get started on how to make a new pokémon go account First of all, what is a Pokémon? A Pokéball-shaped creature with different abilities and potential for power levels or Combat Power.

Secondly, what is a Gym? The most important part of the game as it gives players the opportunity to battle other teams’ Pokémon in order to gain control of that Gym. You can also earn rewards for defending gyms from rival teams first place gets 10 coins per day, in order for you to get started capturing these creatures there are three basic steps:

1) Understanding the basics: What are Pokéstops and Gyms?

2) How to create an account

3) Setting your personal preferences

Where to Start Playing

The first thing you should do before starting Pokémon Go is to make an account, the game prompts you to create a new account when you open it for the first time, but what if you don’t want to use your current email? Here’s how to make a Pokémon Go account using another email address:

  • Tap on Create New Account
  • Enter your desired username must be unique
  • Repent your email address and password
  • Tap Send Verification Email
  • Log into your email account and find the verification request from Pokémon Go
  • Open the message and tap Verify My Account, once you do that, you will be logged in with your new account.