Solar panels and wind turbines are becoming more common worldwide than ever before. They sit atop sun-drenched hills and extend for kilometres out to sea, indicating a paradigm shift in how we generate energy beyond fossil fuels. But this is only the beginning. By 2026, electricity generation from renewable energy is forecasted to grow over 60% from 2020 levels globally. 

With sustainability and climate change hot topics of debate worldwide, many portions of the world are swiftly incorporating renewable energy as a part and parcel of their lives – whether at home, at utilities, at corporates, at factories, or at industries. In the wake of this trend, renewable energy solution providers such as AMP Energy India have also sprung up, providing a wide range of advanced services and solutions to power large-scale green energy projects. 

There is an endless number of compelling reasons why renewable energy must be employed widely, from economic rewards to enhanced public health. Let us take a look.


  1. It is environment-friendly, sustainable and a need of the hour


Using renewable energy is a huge step in the right direction toward combating global warming. Global warming emissions such as carbon dioxide are being released into the atmosphere due to human activities. These emissions operate as a shroud, trapping and reflecting heat to the ground, causing the planet to suffer. In addition, more frequent and stronger storms, increased sea levels, drought, and habitat damage are among these challenges.


Renewable energy alternatives offered by renewable energy solution providers emit little or no greenhouse gases. Even when all emissions from each step of a renewable technology’s life cycle (production, operation, decommissioning and installation) are included, the global warming consequences of renewable energy remain negligible. By choosing renewable energy, one can contribute to the growth of green energy share in the global energy mix, and pave the way for a cleaner, better environment and planet for all. Additionally, green energy adoption also enables corporates and companies to go high on ESG ratings and earn carbon credits. 

  1. It is economically beneficial 


The fossil fuel sector is typically capital-intensive and mechanized. On the other hand, renewable energy has lower operating costs and is less prone to significant failure, resulting in more sustainable energy pricing. Wind and solar energy are dispersed and modern. They are spread out across huge geographic regions, so severe weather is unlikely to knock off electricity for a whole region.


Modular systems are also made up of many separate solar panels or wind turbines. Even if a portion of the system’s equipment is broken, the remainder usually continues to function. Additionally, renewable energy can help build resiliency in power grids, thus ensuring no interruption in power supply even at peak hours. Virtual power plant providers are key here as they help optimise the performance of renewable energy plants at all times.


  1. Critical to improving public health and reducing the burden of respiratory diseases 


Water and air pollution released by natural gas and coal facilities has been related to respiratory difficulties, heart attacks, neurological damage, premature mortality, cancer, and other major challenges in contemporary civilization. Green energy does not create the majority of pollutants.


Wind, hydroelectric and solar power plants create electricity without emitting any pollutants into the atmosphere. Although biomass systems produce some air pollutants, their overall emissions are fewer than those produced by conventional power sources. Thus, by opting for green energy, one can contribute significantly to improving public health – for ourselves and for others.


  1. Replenishable energy 


The natural life cycle on our planet ensures an endless supply of powerful winds, a bright sky, plentiful plant materials, fast-moving water, and earth heat. Renewable energy has been demonstrated in several studies to meet a large portion of future power demands and is, in theory, an endless, replenishable source of energy. By adopting renewable energy today, one can prepare for the future and develop readiness to ensure uninterrupted operations at business.


AMP Energy India- The Best Renewable Energy Solutions Provider!


If you are compelled to incorporate renewable energy in your business or project, then you need specialists who understand the lay of the land.

AMP Energy India is the first renewable energy IPP in India. Its management team is unrivalled, with a solid track record in the industry. Large utility-scale power markets, renewable energy projects, open access C&I and distributed generation renewable energy projects are all unique capabilities of AMP Energy India

The company also has expertise in equity and debt financing, supported by major worldwide institutional investors. AMP Energy India is also a renowned virtual power plant provider, enabling corporates and utilities to meet tomorrow’s and today’s energy demands with green, clean, and innovative renewable energy solutions.