Many brands and influencers are leveraging TikTok to reach new audiences and grow their following. One strategy used is buying TikTok views to kickstart growth and appear more popular.

Analyze engagement metrics

This gauges the resonance of your content with viewers. To calculate your engagement rate, divide your total engagement (likes, comments, shares) by your total views and convert it to a percentage. Aim for an engagement rate of at least 5-10%. If your rate is lower than competitors in your niche, it indicates weak content that isn’t interesting to your audience. Having bought views lowers your engagement rate temporarily since not all purchased views interact with your posts.

Track conversion rates

Views alone don’t lead to business results. You need to track how many viewers convert into customers or email list subscribers. It starts by adding clear calls-to-action in your TikTok captions and videos. You promote special offers, have users visit your website, or follow your other social accounts. Use UTM campaign tracking links to measure TikTok traffic sources. See which videos drive the most conversions and make more similar high-performing content.

Check audience retention

This metric shows if viewers are watching your full videos or dropping off halfway. Low audience retention signals boring or irrelevant sections that should be shortened or improved. You want over 50% of viewers watching at least 50-100% of your video length. Buying views temporarily has lower audience retention since bot services watch seconds rather than full videos. But focus on improving retention with future original content, which has higher viewership quality.

Analyze traffic sources

When viewers land on your website or linked social media profile, check your traffic analytics to see which TikTok posts sent the most referrals. This helps identify your best-performing content that resonates highly with your audience. Replicate these video styles and topics to continually engage viewers both on TikTok and beyond. If most website visitors are direct or coming from external sources rather than TikTok, your videos haven’t built strong connections driving legitimate traffic growth. Retarget lost website visitors with compelling TikTok posts that convince them to convert. Visit here to buy TikTok views,

Check competitor benchmarking

Regularly benchmark metrics against competitors in your niche to gauge market standing. Services like SocialBlade provide updated stats for top TikTok profiles. Compare engagement rates, video views, and follower counts and see if there are any content formats and strategies you should emulate. You also search relevant hashtags in your niche and participate in viral trends early alongside top videos. Outperforming competitors means your content marketing hits the right notes with your target demographic. Failing to match pace indicates outdated or less shareable creative approaches.